Contact us @ (407) 440-2383
Address : 400 N. Pine Hills Road Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32811

& annual events

As a frontline ministry, every other weekend TRTC provides homeless and impoverished families with spiritual guidance, clothing, hygiene items, social service referrals, food items, and hot meals. Volunteers seek out the neediest neighborhoods and ‘weekly hotel ‘areas to serve as many as possible.

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (Ephesians 3:17-19)

As children of all different ages disembark from a bus with their parents, their eyes light up at the sight of pastel colored eggs covering neatly trimmed park grounds. There’s going to be an Easter egg hunt! The meaning of Easter is a celebration of the Christian’s salvation. Participants are taught that through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Jesus Christ. The lesson is followed with student recitations, parent testimonies, egg coloring and fellowship. A hot dinner is served, and families are gifted with hygiene items, clothing and food stuffs.

Each year many of us look forward to feasting with family and friends as we celebrate and reflect on God’s blessings, mercy and grace. Yet, Christians cannot forget the needs of the homeless and downtrodden during this festive time. TRTC embraces this opportunity to share the gospel of salvation and God’s love with the most desperate and needy. Through preparing and serving a traditional hot Thanksgiving Dinner on the streets of Orlando for more than 100 people, we demonstrate the teachings of Jesus. The echoes of rejoicing, praising, preaching and praying instills hope and reassures all of God’s help.As caring friends, TRTC also provides the homeless with needed clothing, hygiene bags, blankets and survival kits as a fulfillment of God’s promises.

christmas Dinner
“Go tell it on the mountain. Over the hills and everywhere. Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.”
Children and adults anticipate the Christmas holiday as a time filled with happiness and renewed hope. TRTC brings a sense of joy, hope and peace to 100’s of homeless and disadvantaged children and their families through a number of spiritual and fun events. Retelling the story of Christ’s birth and demonstrating its significance in action and speech focuses participants on the true meaning of the season.
Setting up on the streets of Orlando, TRTC serves a hot meal and inspires the homeless with gifts of clothing, hygiene bags, blankets, and survival kits.


Queen For a day
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Every May, women who live in homeless shelters and recovery programs are provided with a time for spiritual healing, reflection, rejuvenation. An annual event sponsored by TRTC, this program successfully builds sisterhood relationships while creating opportunities for formal and informal mentoring. Many of the women attend seeking spiritual guidance and rebirth. So, a day of physical and spiritual activities is planned for the women to experience a moment of tranquility at what is often a stressful time for them. Spiritually, the women are taught God’s word, listen to victorious testimonies, participate in inspirational singing, and are provided with multiple opportunities to ponder and reflect on their life decisions. A host of volunteers cater to their physical needs by serving a hot lunch, providing salon pampering, distributing hygiene gifts, and helping them select three or more outfits appropriate for job interviewing. Through a variety of inspirational activities, the women grow to understand how they can transform their lives. Since its inception, more than 1000 women have participated. Some are so grateful for the blessing they received , they readily reach out to share their testimonies with others during the day.

Children's party
To demonstrate God’s promise to provide all that we need, and to explain the miracle of Jesus’ birth, TRTC sponsors for more than 100 children a party with games, delicious food, and surprises. Each child receives multiple gifts of warm clothing, toys, and school supplies. This event ensures most needy and helpless children in Orlando are not forgotten at Christmas.

back to school
The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time for children. However, for those living in poverty and unstable living quarters, a new year often causes anxiety and frustration. The need for appropriate clothing, supplies required by schools, and the emotions associated with being clean and well-groomed are major concerns for all students. Yet, impoverished children and their families cannot focus on the new experiences and opportunities a new school year brings, when they are scrambling to secure needed financial resources.
TRTC recognizes and responds to the obstacles too many families face. Therefore, a Back to School Rally is held to excite and motivate students to embrace the virtues of a good education. During the rally, students can participate in a variety of activities meant to teach them self-sustaining scriptures, which earn them useful prizes. They receive haircuts, bookbags packed with school supplies, new clothing, including shoes and socks, hygiene bags, and eat their favorite foods. Student grades, and mobility are monitored during the year, and parents are encouraged to call volunteers for individual assistance when needed.